Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Final Plans

Got the final plans and addenda yesterday in the mail. Yayyy
Went through them last night and found multiple errors. Boooo

So again, we are waiting for the builder to review the email I sent them about the errors, oops did I say that. Umm the email contained clarifications on the plans and addenda. The contracts administrator replied and said that it would be looked at the next day or 2 (her words). We are not talking small errors here, one of the main changes is the opening to the home theatre. It should not have changed but is now shown as a 20c opening from 6c to 26c!

Anyway more positive news is the demolition of the house is progressing however it still is not great as the job is now taking twice as long as expected. Spoke to the guys in site today and they said that the house is held together by liquid nails over the top of aasbestos! Great!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tree down.

More progress on the demolition. Our 12m lemon scented gum has been brought down. Some of it onto the front deck roof. Looks like they removed the carport as they is nowhere to be seen.

Here's hoping they finish tomorrow.

On another note, still have not received the final plans. It has now been 3 weeks!