Friday, October 23, 2009

Render float - Day 2

Slightly more render today. Laundry, powder, bathroom and linen closet done.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Float started

We had some people on site today. They started the float! Seemed like they only worked half a day however they are cleaning the rooms as they go and also removing the door frame stiffeners. So Joshua and Sophie's room was done today. They look like they have swept the laundry/powder ready to do the float tomorrow. They have also done some prep work for the bathroom conduit.
On another note, the plumber has permanently connected the water now. I gues he had the access to sink the pipe. Other work was that the work was removed from the site today so it is clean except for the sand piles.
Bec noted how long it took to get from the back of the house to the front (as Sophie wanted to wee so she had to run from the back to the car at the front.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Render sand

Nothing happened today except another load of sand for the render. This pile looks like it is sufficient for all the internal render. Also sent the email to the CC about the light switch. Got a reply that she will look into it....let's wait and see what her reply is tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Site Clean #2

Not a very productive day. They needed to clean up the pile of rubbish as it has grown very big. So they cleaned up the site again. This is the second site clean. Also a pile of sand was dropped, not a very big one so not sure if they don't use as much sand for the float as they do bricking but they know what they are doing!
Also picked up today that the sparky has missed one light switch. Easy to miss as we have 2 lights in the bathroom - one for the room and one over the basin. We have the lights on separate switches but I think he has added them together. Will email the CC tomorrow and see what they have to say.

Site before clean

Site after clean
Front looks much cleaner now
The car fits in the garage!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Waiting for render

Well nothing happened Friday and today. Was not expecting anything on Friday but had hoped that they would deliver sand for the render but alas it was not to be. Still there was someone at the house today as they water house from the meter to the house was disconnected. Apart from that nothing else appears to have happened.
Waiting for tomorrow.