Friday, July 10, 2009

Demolition progress

Two days of demolition work and there is not much to show from the outside. Don't really want to go inside as there would be loose stuff and nails everywhere. But the cladding has been removed and the front decking removed so I think they are doing a proper job of salvaging rather than just bulldozing the place and sending it to landfill. Some pictures...

Here's hoping they work on the weekend and finish by Monday.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Some days if you come home to this...
you would be having a bad day HOWEVER if you were waiting for the house to be demolished then you would be jumping for joy like we are!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Council Approval

Talked to our contracts administrator today and they received the council approval yesterday!!! Yayyyyyyyyy One more hurdle overcome. She also confirmed that the bank letter indicating unconditional approval was OK. The only drawback is that the final plans won't be ready until later this week but more likely early next week. This may not be so bad as the demolition probably won't be done until early next week anyway.


Another pic of the demolition

Monday, July 6, 2009

The cogs are slowly turning again.

Re-reading the letter from the bank this morning and it seems that this is a formal unconditional approval for finance. So have just sent that letter to the builder so hopefully they don't have any issue with that. The final bank documents were sent to them last night so let's see how fast the cogs can turn.

The demolition cogs are still turning albeit very slowly. This could possibly be due to the request that we salvage the floorboards. I called the floorboards guys again on Friday and they said they would come around Monday or Tuesday; didn't come yesterday. So if they are not there today, then I will give the demolition company the full go ahead and let them salvage the floorboards. They would probably be happy with that as we took the air conditioner. We did intend to always take the air conditioner however it is one of those things in your head that never made it to the contract!

Dribbling on this morning so will end it here.

Bank sorted!

Well good news today. The bank issue is sorted out I think. Not over the line just yet so don't want to jinx it.