Thursday, November 19, 2009


The house is now locked up!! Another milestone however this one comes with a hefty progress payment.
Unlike some other builders, the front and garage doors are just temporary ones and not the actual doors. I think this is better as these doors will be used and abused over the next few weeks. All the doors are sitting in the study - all 30 of them. The timber for the shelving and window sills are sitting in the living room.

Bricks cleaned

Didn't see anything done today until I looked closely....the bricks have been cleaned. The proper acid clean and don't the bricks come up nice! Although we have now noticed that the window sill for the bathroom has a big chunk missing! :( Must add this to the inspection list of defects.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Plaster set - Day 5 finished

Plaster set is now done! The kitchen and home theatre were last to be done.

The heavy rain today!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Plaster Set - Day 4 / Garage Grano Done

More plastering done today. They expect to only do a half day tomorrow to finish which is likely as they have the kitchen and home theatre to complete. Oh also the back wall of the linen which they will have left until last for some reason. I have noticed that they have missed the data point in the study which they have plastered over.

Other news is that the grano was poured in the garage today. Tried to get there to imprint our hands but that stuff dries quick!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Plaster Set - Day 3

More great work today by the plasterer's (and more beer!). The ensuite, bed 1, study and partial entry was completed today. So now it looks more likely that they will finish on Wednesday and not Tuesday as they forecasted.
Someone has dumped lawn clippings in our rubbish pile today. Not sure if it was neighbours or one of the contractors. Not major but not expected.
Good news is that they have prepared the garage pad for the slab. Not sure if they will pour it this week but looks like it can't be long as they have pegged it and bunded it so that people can not enter!