Friday, August 14, 2009


We have soakwells...well 2 anyway. They are the concrete type (1500DIA x 1200H x 50thick). They are even steel reinforced; how do I know you ask, well some of the wire is not totally sealed by the concrete. They are soakwells. :)

Let's see if they come back over the weekend to put them down. I need to take measurements so that I know where they are (and where I can put the patio footings!)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Plumbing done

Not a lot has happened this week. The rain has definitely been welcome - just light rain to keep the slab moist. Back to the waiting room whilst the slab cures and it feels like solitary confinement!

There is other stuff happening like the power issue. Western Power will look at putting the powr dome on next door's property so that it is not sitting in the middle of our driveway. Hope to get a call back from them next Monday. We signed off on the plans for the front brick fence and submitted that directly to council. Got the first progress payment (for the slab). Got thing we got our finance sorted so that we don't have to fork out that amount. Also we need to apply for a new power account. But back to the block....

Today our slab was desecrated by someone driving machinery over it. Looks like it was the plumber with a mini excavator. So another milestone on the Ultimate Plan can be crossed off. Next milestone will be bricking. Bring it on.

Notice the funky pink highlights to the photos, that is straight off the camera! Might need a new camera.