Saturday, January 23, 2010

Paving Preparation

The bobcat came to prepare the driveway and path area ready for paving next week. There is no sign of the plumber who needs to connect the gas as it runs under the paving. Also the telstra line runs under the paving so I emailed the builder about it but got no response. Hope they do it in Monday when the concreters are there and before Wednesday when they will lay the paving.
The painter came back and painted the gas piping to the meter, the meter boxes and the conduit in the garage. He will still need to come back for the HWS.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Finishing touches

It's those little bit extras that let you know that the builder(or should I say site supervisor) cares about his work. Some examples are

1. Drilling the hole for the water hose to the fridge

2. Painting the edge of the tiles

3. Decent looking drain grates for each of the downpipes

4. The circular drains make it difficult for the tiler however they took the time to cut circular holes in the tiles rather than just octagonal holes.

5. The downpipes in the porch sit over the 10mm projecting render. They could have just put the downpipe over the render leaving a gap between the downpipe and brick. However they cut the render and recessed the downpipe!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Painting done, Soakwells connected

Painting was completed internally today. They will only need to do the eter boxes and HWS piping once that is installed.

The soakwells were also connected today., The have connected 5 to the front and 5 to the back as predicted. It looks like they have also installed the separate soakwell for the garage drain grate as required. Not sure if they installed a concrete or plastic one though. It was also good to see the flash grates that they installed rather than close coupling the downpipes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Insulation Done. Pavers Delivered.

Well another productive day and it is now really like we are rolling downhill towards the finish. Alinta was there nice and early to to install the gas meter. They had the mini excavator so it would not have taken them long to do it. Then we had the roof insulation guys turn up so another item ticked off the list.

The painters were back to do the final coat like they said after the electricals had been installed. They spent most of today patching the ceiling and cornices to iron out some of the minor cracks and uneveness on the walls. It looks like they have done the final coat in bed 1 and the home theatre. They should be done by Friday!!

The pavers were delivered. The last two downpipes in the porch were also installed. They cut into the render so that the downpipes sit flush with the walls which is great. Just need to tidy up the render. The towel rings have also been removed. The powder room mirror has also been installed. The powder room shroud has also been delivered but yet to be installed. This is only clipped onto the basin so should be a 5 minute job. The garage door guy was there today to measure but looks like he will need to wait until the paving is done as the pavers are sitting too close to the front of the garage.

Got to test out the lights and it was good to see them even though it was not dark!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Site clean 4

Ok first things first, photos of the glass splashback.

The electrical items are now complete with the meter installed on Monday and the sparkies testing everything as well. They removed the Solar HWS circuit breaker as we are having gas boosted solar and not electric boost. They have left the double power point below the fuse box with a couple of test switches installed - this will need to be changed back to a double power point.
The fourth and last (I think) site clean occurred today. They have taken everything except the bricks and roof tiles. Bec met our SS on site today. It was a good thing as our SS needed to sort out the garage entry door handle. He als mentioned that the garage door guys asked to come on Monday but did not show so he was not happy. He will definitely not be happy if they try and install it when the paving guys are there. The pavers will be delivered on Friday. The soakwells will be done tomorrow. The concrete crossover will be completed on Monday ready for the pavers to do their bit on Wednesday.
We are definitely nearing the end now.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Splashback installed

The glass splashback has been is installed! It looks much darker than what I remember from the small sample square that we were shown. Maybe it will look different from inside the house. Also the temporary power box has been removed. It looks like the meter has been removed from that and put into our box. I noticed that our new meter had 81 on the clock which leads to believe they transplanted the meter rather than installing a new one.
Photos to come later today...