Saturday, August 8, 2009

Power problems

The slab is curing nicely with the light rain that we had overnight and continuing today. They used full accelerator - not sure exactly what this is however it can't be that bad as there was no instruction to keep the slab wet.

The power supply problem is continuing as Western Power have not returned calls or called me like they said they would regarding the position of the dome. Initially thinking this would delay us as the brickies can not start without power (to run their mixers). However checking the contract and costing sheet, we have a provisional sum allowed for temporary overhead power supply. So we should not be delayed while waiting for the new power dome.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Slab down.

They have kept to their schedule and the slab was poured today. Again, they were there at 7am and gone by 3pm. What else is there to say....SLAB!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Footings done

With all the rain last night, we did not think they would be there this morning to do the footings however 7am and there they were! Six burley blokes (who can each carry a sheet of reo mesh) were doing their thing. They also had an excavator to help them! All done by 3pm except the shortfall of concrete for the garage wall footing.

Already the site is starting to look like a construction zone with empty beer bottles and chip packets. :) Can't wait until the slab tomorrow.

On another note, the electrical power dome issue has cropped up like I knew it would. They want to put it in the middle of our driveway (well Bec thinks so but really it is on the boundary with the neighbour). Waiting for Western Power to call me to discuss (well me begging on my knees). Let's see how this unfolds.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Officially Handed over to Construction Department

Got an email today from our Construction Coordinator to let us know that we officially have been assigned a supervisor thus construction has commenced. She offered to have a meet and greet with the supervisor - you can guess our response!

Also she said that our footings will be done tomorrow (Thursday) and slab will be down on Friday. Well that is the plan so if there is no torrential rainfall this should go according to plan.

Reinforcing mesh delivered

Well no work on this beautiful day by the plumbers or carpenters however the reo was delivered for the slab so chances are we are not too far away.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Site works continuing!!!

What a surprise this morning to see a truck full of sand (we will probably need 3-4 of these) and the bulldozer on site continuing the site works. We signed the variation last night but thought it would delay us a couple of days however maybe it won't. A couple of photos of the sand and bulldozer.


Yippee we have siteworks happening. Didn't find out the easy way though. Got a call from our contracts administrator to say that the guys were on site however the sand level left by the demolition crew is much lower than what is required. So we could either accept reduced level (using what sand they had) or pay a variation for additional sand to build up the pad area to the original level. So hello variation 5, goodbye money.

You can see the hole where he tried to find the hidden bodies.....but this was still not enough to get the level right. So looks like we are delayed a couple of days whilst they buy some sand.