Friday, May 15, 2009

Signing our life away

Well we signed the Preparation of Plans Agreement (PPA) on the 30th March 2009. It is expected to take 6 weeks to get the plans drawn up. Then it should be another 6 weeks with council for approval. In this time we will have completed our selections and prestart meeting. That should mean that we get a slab down at the start of July sometime. This all depends on us arranging for the demolition and getting out of the house by the end of June. With a 6 month build time, we should be in the new house by January 2010 - maybe in time for Joshua's 5th birthday.


  1. You are so organised. We have not even started looking at anything much yet - my husband has been so busy each weekend plus hard to get a babysitter to go looking. He is very good at putting off to last minute

  2. Babysitters would be great although we found the kids loved the display villages, although 3 houses were their limits at a time. They urgued over which was their bedroom and the littlest tried eating most of the candle displays lol. It took about 4 or 5 weeks of going out and getting on building websites before we found a couple of plans that we could work with.
