Sunday, June 14, 2009


OK. So we are now earnestly moving out. Spent the weekend with the brother in law and father in law digging out the shade-sail posts so that we can re-use them once the new house is built. The posts were not just square posts with concrete. They had T-bars at the bottom to ensure that they are not pulled out in a cyclone! BUT that meant that we had to remove all the concrete (and I am sure that they used more than 2 bags in each hole) before we could pull out the posts.

Looks easy....

Our helper!

Houston, we have a problem!

Also loaded the cupboards to be re-used in the garage and games room. I am now wondering if we could have got away with a 20' container as the 40' HC now seems large. With the cupboards standing up, they do not take up much space and the container is looking very empty with all the large cupboards loaded.

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