Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Waiting again.

Another week pases by without word from the builder. Just waiting for them to get back to us with the final plans with all our pre-start changes. Back into the waiting game.

On the demolition front, I drove past the house this morning and the power has been cut to the house. I did not check whether they have removed the power meter but I guess that they would have done that at the same time. Just waiting for the gas meter to be removed but speaking to Alinta, it takes 10 days from application to removal so that is at least next Wednesday. Hopefully the demolition guys can get in straight away after that as council takes 14 days. So fingers crossed for a demolition by the 13th July. I'll post photos of the house tomorrow with the dangling power cable.

The bank is another matter though, waiting again for the bank to do valuations of the properties.

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