Friday, July 24, 2009

Revised Final Plans

After a friendly reminder call to the contracts administrator yesterday morning, she was probably in a pre-start meeting so left a message. Didn't hear anything back from her after lunch so thought that was it for this week but got a call at 3pm from her! After discussing another couple of clarifications, she said that the plans should be ready that afternoon and that she would call again to let me know that they are ready. Well I drove there at 430pm after not getting a call and would take my chances. Just before getting there I get a call to say that she would leave them in the mailbox as the office closes at 5pm. Needless to say, she was surprised when I rocked up a couple of minutes after hanging up. Enough of the waffling, finals plans and addenda will be signed and returned on Monday.

Oh forgot to mention that in the correspondance with Solahart, our contracts administrator mentioned that construction would start in 3 weeks (from the 21 July) that makes it the week of the 10 August.

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