Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Electrical Day 6 and Plumbing Day 5

Yes, we are up to a week for both trades. They are really working hard but I think we added too many lights and switches and power points and data points and TV points. :)
The plumber has now finished and left the house water connected and turned on. I think this is to check that there is no leaks in the connections. The gas is also now finished. Bec does not like the grey mortar used by the plumber on the alfresco point but I think this will be covered up by the bayonet fitting.
The electrical is likely to be finished tomorrow. All the lights have been run and all the connections have been tidied up and put into boxes. Most of the power points have been done. He has run the telephone line from the study to the main bed corner however the conduit has been run to the garage corner (where the load centre is located).

Electrical getting there...
Stove hob and fridge recess
Plumber has mortared all the plumbing
Outside tap
Gas bayonet in alfresco - note the grey mortor used by the plumber
Hot water piping
Water connected and left on!

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