Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nothing again

We now officially have problems with our flooring contractor. After such a good start they have now done nothing due to payment problems with PACE Flooring. After several phones calls, finally talked to Maurice who promised that they would be there on Tueaday (as it is a public holiday on Monday). Let us pray.

On another note, the liquid limestone contractor should be starting the job on Tuesday and finish on Wednesday. I hope that they are not delayed or there is any other trouble. We need to get the cubby up and the shade sail poles up so that we know where the paths will go.

So the past week has been taken up with making the cubby elevation kit and also a ramp so that the kids can get into and out of the cubby without having to climb a ladder. This makes the job bigger however we have been getting through it. It does not help with the 40deg plus temperatures. Well it is nearly finished now and we will be digging the holes for it tomorrow.

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