Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bricking Day 3

Even though we had more torrential rain and gusting winds, the brickies were there again today. No Western Power in sight - I guess it is an occupational hazard being up a cherry picker next to live power lines in gusting winds! Had a good look today for the other end to the second power cable installed yesterday. No luck and will need to check with the building company sometime. Bec thinks it could be the temporary power box cable. We'll see in due course.

External bricking is at around 19 courses. We thought they would take the external to plate height today but instead they took the internal bricking to the same height as the external bricking. So 2:1 ratio for external bricking to internal bricking time. Going by this they should completely finish the bricks by next week.

Toy room
Bed 4 and 5
Brickies covered the bricks! Caring!
Front evelation
Sand being used up very quickly!

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