Friday, September 18, 2009

Bricking Day 8

Another fine day (weather wise) and more bricking is up. They are now almost complete with the external bricking. They lifted both the front and rear roller door T-bars into place and have completed the bricking for the rear. They should be completely finished with the outside on Monday. They have also done a lot of internal wall today. They finished the bedrooms/bathroom and laundry. Still have the family, home theatre and finishing off of the main bed and study walls. Ohh also the kitchen/library wall. So good progress and maybe they will finish on day 10.
Garage T-bar installed
Garage T-bar for rear roller door
Garage boundary wall almost done - just need to complete 2 piers
Looking forward through rear garage roller door
Bath - cleaned up!
Bedroom corridor - minus the home theatre and family room wall in front
Kitchen window and pantry
Rubbish pile overloaded from chicken coup.
Neighbours nice new brick wall (aka our garage boundary wall from the other side)

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