Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hallway ceilings 1st coat

Kids shower hob and waterproofing to shower

Ensuite shower waterproofing

Our fantastic hallway cupboards with shelves

Hahahahahaha I've hijacked Tien's blogger (with his help) :)

Well Tien has been out of the country 2 days and soooooooo many very exciting things have been happening.

In short:
1. The carpenter has finished hanging all the doors
2. Our Front doors are on (and look magnificent if I do say so :))
3. All the shower recesses have been waterproofed
4. All the shelves are in the cupboards/WIR/pantry/WIL
5. The windowsills have all been completed
6. All the ceilings and cornices have received their first coat of paint
7. The brickies are back and have marked out their lines
I went this morning - no one was there :(. However we had had a delivery of 3 palates of bricks and another pile of sand :) and thought well I suppose no work will be completed today but hopefully monday and then low and behold I get a call from tien telling me that the painter wanted me to ring him back as he was at the house and wanted to confirm colours.
I swung by this pm and found 4 fabulous cars outside the house :)
not only were the fabulous painters there- 3 guys
but also our great SS and a team of brickies. (I'm abit embarrassed but I didn't recognise our SS when I first saw him it was bright and the kids were yelling out from the car. I mentioned about the broken brick on the bathroom windowsill and he said that the handyman will fix it :)) (I was so distracted I even forgot to ask him if we get to meet with him to discuss timelines..oops sorry tien:))
So out the front the brickies were busy measuring and stringing up the boundary wall lines :)
Our SS asked if I could bring the letterbox out tues morning for the guys to install. eek must go and buy it - tien and I have been discussing getting it but hadn't made the trip to get - hopefully I pick the right one.
inside were 3 painting machines - I almost didn't recognise the house as all the windows/cupboards/shelves/sills are all covered in plastic and drop sheets.
they had almost finished painting the first coat on the ceiling and cornices. 1 guy was hand sanding all the doors ready for painting. I'm so glad the painter rang us as he wanted to clarify that we didn't want the windowsills painted..........I think if they had painted our jarrah sills I would have cried they will varnish them instead. Also the exciting news is that they can vanish our french doors and not paint them so they are going to look fantastic. I told the painter we are having floor boards he is not going to paint the shelf ends but instead he will vanish those as well.......yippppeeeeeeee
The carpenter has finished hanging all the internal door and our front doors :). All the window sills are in place. All the shelves are in the WIR/WIL/linen cupboards and pantry.
The shower recess' have both been waterproofed.

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