Thursday, February 4, 2010

PCI Done

Well PCI was completed today! Yayyyyyy The construction manager was very nice and showed us throught the entire house with little tips and bits. There were only about 12-15 items on the list and most of them are 5 minute jobs. The majors ones are

1. Draw in bathroom catches bottom of benchtop
2. Hot water system not completed
3. Telstra conduit to be placed next to wall
4. Small dent in library window
5. Small scratch on laundry benchtop
6. Incorrect fan installed in laundry

We also faxed 3 minor corrections to the final statement from the builder. Let's hope they reply positively as these 3 items are worth about $1,500.00

The patio guy also delivered a lot of the components and called Bec this afternoon to say that they will start tomorrow. One of the guys got blown off a patio last week due to high winds so they are down a man. It will take them about 6 days to complete. Can't wait to see it up.

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