Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Insulation Done. Pavers Delivered.

Well another productive day and it is now really like we are rolling downhill towards the finish. Alinta was there nice and early to to install the gas meter. They had the mini excavator so it would not have taken them long to do it. Then we had the roof insulation guys turn up so another item ticked off the list.

The painters were back to do the final coat like they said after the electricals had been installed. They spent most of today patching the ceiling and cornices to iron out some of the minor cracks and uneveness on the walls. It looks like they have done the final coat in bed 1 and the home theatre. They should be done by Friday!!

The pavers were delivered. The last two downpipes in the porch were also installed. They cut into the render so that the downpipes sit flush with the walls which is great. Just need to tidy up the render. The towel rings have also been removed. The powder room mirror has also been installed. The powder room shroud has also been delivered but yet to be installed. This is only clipped onto the basin so should be a 5 minute job. The garage door guy was there today to measure but looks like he will need to wait until the paving is done as the pavers are sitting too close to the front of the garage.

Got to test out the lights and it was good to see them even though it was not dark!

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