Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Site clean 4

Ok first things first, photos of the glass splashback.

The electrical items are now complete with the meter installed on Monday and the sparkies testing everything as well. They removed the Solar HWS circuit breaker as we are having gas boosted solar and not electric boost. They have left the double power point below the fuse box with a couple of test switches installed - this will need to be changed back to a double power point.
The fourth and last (I think) site clean occurred today. They have taken everything except the bricks and roof tiles. Bec met our SS on site today. It was a good thing as our SS needed to sort out the garage entry door handle. He als mentioned that the garage door guys asked to come on Monday but did not show so he was not happy. He will definitely not be happy if they try and install it when the paving guys are there. The pavers will be delivered on Friday. The soakwells will be done tomorrow. The concrete crossover will be completed on Monday ready for the pavers to do their bit on Wednesday.
We are definitely nearing the end now.

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